Saturday, August 2, 2008

Buffalo FAQs

Q: What is the difference between bison and buffalo? A: The proper Latin name is Bison bison. However, the term “buffalo” is an acceptable synonym for the American Bison.

Q: Where did the word "buffalo" come from? A: In the 1800’s, French explorers in North America called the new species “les boeufs” meaning oxen. The English later changed the pronunciation to “la buff”. Eventually the name “buffalo” became the common pronunciation.

Q: How much do bison weigh? A: A mature bull will weigh approximately 2000 lbs. And, a mature cow will weigh approximately 1100 lbs.

Q: What do bison eat? A: Bison do best on native grasses and prairie hay. They can eat a wide range of grasses.

Q: What is the average life span of a bison? A: 20-25 years.

Q: Are bison domestic or wild animals? A: Bison are wild animals and should be treated with caution and respect.

Q: Do all bison have horns? A: Yes. Some Ranchers de-horn the cows to prevent injury. BisonRidge Ranch no longer de-horns.

Q: How many bison are there in North America? A: There are approximately 350,000-head.

Q: Is buffalo meat healthier than beef? A: Yes, it is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than beef and is higher in iron and protein. In fact, it is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than skinless chicken, too!

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