Sunday, August 10, 2008

Buffalo cooking tips.

Buffalo meat is similar to beef, however, when preparing various cuts of bison you need to cook it differently. Because of the lack of marbling (white streaks of fat through the meat), bison needs to be cooked at a lower temperature than that used for beef. Fat acts as an insulator causing most meats to take longer to cook. This lack of fat also accounts for the deep red color of the meat. You should cook bison to the same doneness you prefer in beef. We recommend rare to medium. We don’t guarantee well-done steaks or roasts. When you overcook bison, you get the same results as when you overcook other meat. The juiciness and tenderness of the meat will be compromised.

The best oven temperature is a 275 degree oven. Preheat your oven. To insure the desired doneness, use a meat thermometer. Because bison cooks more quickly you may want to check it sooner than you would beef. Rib steaks, roasts, tenderloin, and sirloin roasts are suitable cuts for roasting.

Move your broiler rack a step lower in your oven than you would use for beef. Broil as you would your beef but shorten the cooking time. Rib steaks, tenderloin sirloin, and T-bone steaks are delicious this way.

Don’t put bison on the flame! We have found the best grilling technique is the indirect method. If you have a dual control gas grill, heat the one side on high for 5 to 10 minutes, then reduce to medium-high. Place the steak or roast on the cool side. In colder temperatures, you may want to have the heat on low under the meat. For a single control grill cover one side with foil to lock out the direct heat. Use a meat thermometer for roasts and go by appearance when grilling steaks.

Stir Fry
Stir fry is an excellent method of cooking bison. Cut the meat into small strips or cubes. Be sure to use just a drop of olive oil or polyunsaturated oil just to coat the pan. Bison cooks quickly so have your vegetables ready to toss in the wok. Heat the oil enough to seer the meat then toss the meat quickly around. Add the other foods. The short cooking time is great for cooking bison.

Crock Pot Cooking
Very slow, moist heat works especially well with the less tender cuts of meat. The best way is a crock pot or slow cooker. Let this cook all day. With the slow moist cooking you won’t have to worry about drying out the meat with overcooking. Use the low setting on your crock pot.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Buffalo FAQs

Q: What is the difference between bison and buffalo? A: The proper Latin name is Bison bison. However, the term “buffalo” is an acceptable synonym for the American Bison.

Q: Where did the word "buffalo" come from? A: In the 1800’s, French explorers in North America called the new species “les boeufs” meaning oxen. The English later changed the pronunciation to “la buff”. Eventually the name “buffalo” became the common pronunciation.

Q: How much do bison weigh? A: A mature bull will weigh approximately 2000 lbs. And, a mature cow will weigh approximately 1100 lbs.

Q: What do bison eat? A: Bison do best on native grasses and prairie hay. They can eat a wide range of grasses.

Q: What is the average life span of a bison? A: 20-25 years.

Q: Are bison domestic or wild animals? A: Bison are wild animals and should be treated with caution and respect.

Q: Do all bison have horns? A: Yes. Some Ranchers de-horn the cows to prevent injury. BisonRidge Ranch no longer de-horns.

Q: How many bison are there in North America? A: There are approximately 350,000-head.

Q: Is buffalo meat healthier than beef? A: Yes, it is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than beef and is higher in iron and protein. In fact, it is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than skinless chicken, too!